MATH 142 – Precalculus II
This course will cover families of trigonometric functions, their inverses, properties, graphs, and applications. Additionally we will study trigonometric equations and identities, …
This course will cover families of trigonometric functions, their inverses, properties, graphs, and applications. Additionally we will study trigonometric equations and identities, …
This course will cover families of functions, their properties, graphs and applications. These functions include: polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic functions and combinations …
In this course, we will introduce some of the more common tools for analyzing data of several types. We are not aiming …
Emphasizes the study of infinite sequences and series including power series. Topics include plane analytic geometry, graphing in polar coordinates, and an …
Continues the study of integration, emphasizing applications and special techniques. Students work with algebraic and transcendental functions.
Upon successful completion of Math& 151, the student should be able to: 1) Calculate or estimate limits of functions given by formulas, …
A continuation of Algebra covering compound inequalities, systems of equations, radicals, rational equations and applications, and function notation.
An introduction to algebra covering solving and graphing linear equations, polynomials, factoring, and rational expressions
Differential and Integral Calculus of elementary functions with an emphasis on business and social science applications. Designed for students who want a …
The purpose of this course is to expose you to the wider world of mathematical thinking. There are two reasons for this. …